Thursday, November 10, 2005

We are not alone

Disc Golf Craze! Woot! Funny we started about the same time (within a month, I think.)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Wilhelm Disc Golf Invitational 2005

This story shall the good man teach his sonne:
And Crispine Crispian shall ne're goe by,
From this day to the ending of the World,
But we in it shall be remembred;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers:
For he to day that sheds his blood with me,
Shall be my brother: be he ne're so vile,
This day shall gentle his Condition.
And Gentlemen in England, now a bed,
Shall thinke themselues accurst they were not here;
And hold their Manhoods cheape, whiles any speakes,
That fought with vs vpon Saint Crispines day.
--Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 4, Scene 3

Big Cottonwood Canyon

Big Cottonwood Canyon
Originally uploaded by MacClint.
The setting for The Wilhelm Disc Golf Invitational 2005: Solitude Ski Resort. The scenic vistas provide disc golfers sollace despite lost disc. The wide open spaces absord any and all amounts of swearing said golfers produce.

"Its over there. No--over there."

June Bug and Da Bone Jah Discuss the Aspects of the Third Hole.

The Late JC

The Late JC
Originally uploaded by MacClint.

Sheer Beauty

Sheer Beauty
Originally uploaded by MacClint.

Damn it to Hell

Damn it to Hell
Originally uploaded by MacClint.
JB managed to hit the water hazzard. Here she demostrate an expert skill in penalty stroke prevention.

Almost there...

Almost there...
Originally uploaded by MacClint.


Originally uploaded by MacClint.
Extracted without even a penalty!

Finally the 10th Hole

Finally the 10th Hole
Originally uploaded by MacClint.
Your intrepid photoblogger failed to take any action shots past the 10th hole. Bad Higgins!

Dah dun dun dun!

Check it!